Become Airline Ready® in Fort Lauderdale

Do Parts Of Your Pilot Training in Beautiful Fort Lauderdale With Our Airline Ready® Pilot All-Inclusive Florida Program

Big News!

New Airline Ready Pilot all-Inclusive Florida Program – Do your flight training in Fort Lauderdale! Scroll down to read more about this opportunity!

Application Deadline: 15th December 2024


First Time Pass On Skill Test


First Time Pass On CAA Exams


Graduates 2015 - 2023


Employed First Year After Graduation


The Airline Ready® Pilot All-Inclusive Florida Program is a comprehensive, competency-based training pathway designed to align with the standards of our airline partners and OSM’s dedication to Training Excellence. This program is ideal for aspiring pilots eager to begin a professional career in the aviation industry. Over a period of 20 to 24 months, the program delivers in-depth theoretical instruction and hands-on flight training, ensuring all qualifications required to become an Airline Ready® Pilot are met. Throughout your training at OSM Aviation Academy, you will benefit from continuous mentorship provided in collaboration with our Airline Partners.

Course outline: Theory blocks will be commenced in Arendal, Norway and flight phases 1,2,3 will be commenced in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

After completing the program, you will participate in a review board evaluation to assess your readiness to progress. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to join our Airline Partners and operate Boeing 737 or 787 aircraft on international routes.

Norwegian airline pilot airplane

How to Apply

In order to be eligible to start at OSM Aviation Academy, you’ll be required to pass our online based admission test. The admission test will check your abilities to become a pilot, by testing, amongst other things, where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Passing our admission test will show you have good prerequisites to become a solid pilot.

A passed admission test is valid for one year.

When the application is received by us we will issue you a contract which has to be signed within 14 days. After the contract is signed and the registration fee of 25,000 NOK has been paid, your seat at the school will be secured. Continuing from there, you will be contacted by our student coordinator with practical information regarding the course start.

You will need to acquire an EASA Class 1 Medical Examination as soon as possible. 

Airline Ready® Pilot All-Inclusive Florida Program

Start your pilot journey in April 2025 and complete Flight Phases 1, 2 and 3 in sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida while working towards a European pilot license

  • Duration: 20-24 months (Phases 1, 2, and 3 in the U.S.)

  • License: CPL ME/IR with frozen ATP

  • Locations: Arendal, Norway & Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Includes: Housing in both Norway and the U.S.

  • Cost: 1,230,000 NOK/SEK

plane flying over Miami
Pilots flying in the US

What you´ll get

Airline Ready®

Whether you start in August or January, within 20-24 months, you will receive all the required certificates to begin your career as an airline pilot. EASA Integrated ATPL(A)

Student Loan

The Norwegian government does provide student loans for Norwegian citizens through Lånekassen. Students enrolled in our training program in Sweden are eligible to apply for student funding from the National Board of Student Aid (CSN).

International Environment

With us, you will meet a combination of Scandinavian and foreign students and instructors in an international environment – similar to what you will experience as an educated pilot.

Good Reputation

We are proud to announce that we received a lot of positive feedback from airlines about our students’ performance. This is a significant advantage for upcoming graduates and their opportunities within the industry.

Widerøe plane
Logoes with no backround

The Benefits

Modern facilities & Fleet

We pride ourselves on maintaining high industry standards to ensure you are fully prepared for a successful career as a pilot. Our modern training fleet features Cessna 172s, Diamond DA42s, and a Boeing 737 simulator, all equipped with advanced glass cockpit technology. Additionally, you’ll be provided with an iPad for use throughout your theoretical and flight training, complete with ForeFlight and Boeing Jeppesen charts, along with access to premium Bose Aviation headsets.

Partner airlines

Our close partnerships with Norse Atlantic Airways, Norwegian Air Shuttle and Widerøe mean that we tailor our training to meet the specific needs of these airlines. This collaboration ensures you receive the highest quality education, fully preparing you for their operational standards. As a result, you’ll have the opportunity to begin your career as a Second Officer or First Officer immediately after graduating from flight school.

Career support

Student success is our highest priority. Throughout your training, we prepare you to become a professional airline pilot by utilising the same equipment and procedures used by our partner airlines. Our dedicated career support program offers guidance with interview preparation and simulator training, led by highly experienced instructors from various airline backgrounds.

Airline Ready® Pilot Program

OSM Aviation Academy is the school for those of you who dream of becoming a pilot, and who want a career in the air. Together, we will get you through 20-24 intensive months of theory and flying programs so that you are best suited for your future career as a pilot.

Sounds good? Let´s go!

Get in touch!

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our course. We are happy to assist you!

Contact Information