Become a pilot!

The pilot education at OSM Aviation Academy is a 20 month long intense study program, where you will deepen your knowledge about the pilot profession and prepare for a life in the air. The study requires motivation, structure and a good attitude from day one.

When you graduate from the academy you will have all the certificates required to be hired as an airline pilot.

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Upcoming start dates

August 19th 2024 – Norway

August 21st 2024 – Sweden

January 15th 2025 – Norway

January 22nd 2025 – Sweden

Admission Requirements.

To start your pilot education with us there are certain requirements you need to fulfill, however, there are several ways towards achieving your dream. You need to have either finished high school, have a certificate of apprenticeship or enter via validation of prior learning.

Course Outline.

Whether you start during fall or spring, within 20 months, you will receive all the required certificates to start your career as an airline pilot (CPL ME/IR with frozen ATPL).

How To Apply.

In order to be eligible to start at OSM Aviation Academy, you’ll be required to pass our online based admission test. The admission test will check your abilites to become a pilot, by testing, amongst other things, where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Passing our admission test will show you have good prerequisites to become a solid pilot.

Price & Financing.

OSM Aviation Academy offers attractive student financing solutions in Norway and Sweden due to our government approvals.          

Upcoming EventsDate


Over 80% of the pilots educated at OSM AA are in a relevant job within one year of completing their studies. According to Boeing, the demand for pilots will be increasing in the years to come. Looking only at Europe, it is estimated that there will be a need for 115 000 new pilots in the coming years.

Student life.

As a student with us, you should expect an intense, yet very rewarding study time. The life of a student here has days with blue skies and days were you will experience some turbulence. We will help you along the way to keep your cruising speed and guide you safely through the course.

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